Here are two different approaches in using the previous motioned inheritance technique.

1. Standard way where all members are public:

var Human = MG.Class.Create({
                Gender: null,
                constructor: function(gender) {
                    this.Gender = gender;

                IsMale: function() {
                    return this.Gender == 'F' ? false : true;

                GenderString: function() {
                    return this.Gender == 'F' ? "female" : "male";

                ToOverride: function() { return "Called from Human"; }
            }, null, null);
            var Individual = MG.Class.Create({
                Unique: null,
                constructor: function(unique) {
                    this.Unique = unique;

                IsUnique: function() {
                    return this.Unique ? "Yes" : "No";

                DummyMethod: function() {
                    return "Individual dummy method.";

                ToOverride: function() { return "Called from Individual which is " + (this.Unique ? "unique" : "not unique") + " / " + this.base(); }
            }, Human, null);

            var Person = MG.Class.Create({
                constructor: function(firstName, lastName, birthDate) {
                    this.FirstName = firstName;
                    this.LastName = lastName;
                    this.BirthDate = birthDate;

                GetName: function() {
                    return this.FirstName + " " + this.LastName;

                GetDetails: function() {
                    return this.GetName() + " it's a " + this.GenderString() + " borned on date " + this.BirthDate;

                ToOverride: function() { return "Called from Person with first name " + this.FirstName + " / " + this.base(); }
            }, Individual, null);

            var Jhon = MG.Class.Create({
                constructor: function(age) {
                    this.Age = age;

                GetDetails: function() {
                    return this.GetName() + " it's a " + this.GenderString() + " borned on date " + this.BirthDate + ".";

                ToOverride: function() { return "Called from Jhon/ " + this.base(); }
            }, Person, null);

2. Classes with private members:

var Human = MG.Class.Create({
                constructor: function(gender) {
                    this.Gender = gender;

                    return { IsMale: function() {
                        return this.Gender == 'F' ? false : true;

                        GenderString: function() {
                            return this.Gender == 'F' ? "female" : "male";

                        ToOverride: function() { return "Called from Human"; } 
            }, null, null);

            var Individual = MG.Class.Create({
                constructor: function(unique) {
                    this.Unique = unique;
                     var PrivateDummyMethod = function() {
                            return "Individual dummy method.";

                    return { IsUnique: function() {
                        return this.Unique ? "Yes" : "No";

                        ToOverride: function() { return "Called from Individual / " + this.base(); } 
            }, Human, null);

            var Person = MG.Class.Create({
                constructor: function(firstName, lastName, birthDate) {
                    this.FirstName = firstName;
                    this.LastName = lastName;
                    this.BirthDate = birthDate;

                    return { GetName: function() {
                        return this.FirstName + " " + this.LastName;

                        GetDetails: function() {
                            return this.GetName() + " it's a " + this.GenderString() + " borned on date " + this.BirthDate;

                        ToOverride: function() { return "Called from Person / " + this.base(); } 
            }, Individual, null);

            var Kate = MG.Class.Create({
                constructor: function(age) {
                    this.Age = age;

                    return { GetDetails: function() {
                                    return this.GetName() + " it's a " + this.GenderString() + " borned on date " + this.BirthDate + ".";

                            ToOverride: function() { return "Called from Kate/ " + this.base(); }};
            }, Person, null);

I observed one thing about Base2 and Prototype. When you call a chain method and you reach the parent method, inside the method you have access to the derived object members using “this”. In my opinion once the call is navigating thru the chain on each base class the user should not be able to access the derived class members based on OOP definitions. In the future I'll fix this also in my technique.